Playhouse presents: Ragged
In 1973 Ricky Tomilinson was imprisoned for unlawful assembly and conspiracy when picketing for support in Britain’s first National Building Strike a year earlier. During the course of Ricky’s sentence when he refused to conform, wear prison clothing, work and suffered on hunger strike he met a sympathetic and wise prison governor who introduced prisoner Tomlinson to Tressell’s great novel.
Ricky was an immediate devotee recognising conditions and work practices in the book that reflected his own experiences. He credits The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists with changing his life and helping give articulation to his thoughts.
‘Ragged’, written by Andrew Lynch, Produced and Directed by Johnny Vegas stars Ricky as he is now with Stephen Walters playing younger Ricky of the 1970’s. Chris Fulford takes on multi-rolls representing many establishment figures Ricky came up against in prison and Philip Jackson plays the understanding, life changing Governor.
The half hour drama for Sky Arts Playhouse is the first independent programme for Johnny Vegas’s company Woolyback Productions and will be broadcast on June 6th 2013 @ 9:30pm.